地址 | 兩依藏博物館—香港上環荷里活道181-199號
展期 | 2016年10月19日—22日
時間 | 星期二—星期六,上午10時—下午6時
門票 | 免費入場(必須預先登記)
開幕酒會 | 2016年10月18日(星期二),下午6—8時
開幕典禮 | 下午6時30分
RSVP | rsvp@ora-ora.com (必須登記入場)
「墨啟未來」水墨藝術聯展展現出未來的視角,並帶領觀眾 踏上一次穿越時空的旅程。香港藝術家們會探索傳統的新詮 釋,引領多媒體藝術,雕塑,機械裝置,水耕藝術和紙本的 新篇章!
由亞太水墨研究會呈現,並由香港著名多媒體藝術家洪強和 梁徐錦熹聯合策展,「墨啟未來」作為2016香港文化節 的其中一個重要節目,是次展覽展出十位無畏又充滿活力的 創新者對於未來的展望以及當前水墨發展的新演繹。
衷心歡迎你前來兩依藏博物館參加我們於10月18日(星 期二)下午6 – 8時舉行的「墨啟未來」開幕酒會。「墨啟未來」將於10 月19日(星期三)至10月22日(星期六)在博物館舉 行。
參展藝術家 | 區德誠,陳家祺,鄭哈雷,何冠廷,熊輝,洪強,劉學成, 吳少英,吳森枝和黃琮瑜
非物質文化遺產地脈協會 (852) 2559 9436
VENUE | Liang Yi Museum, 181-199 Hollywood Road, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong
EXHIBITION PERIOD | 19-22 October 2016
OPENING HOURS | Tuesday to Saturday, 10:00AM - 6:00 PM
TICKET PRICE | Free Entry (Pre-registration is required)
OPENING RECEPTION | Tuesday 18 October 2016, 6:00PM - 8:00 PM
RSVP | rsvp@ora-ora.com (RSVP is required)
Futuristic Ink projects perspectives of the future, and launches the visitor on a journey forwards through time. Hong Kong artists will explore new interpretations of our heritage, pioneering creative chapters in video, sculpture, machinery, horticulture (and paper!).
Presented by Asia Ink Research and co-curated by acclaimed multi-media artist Hung Keung and Henrietta Tsui-Leung, Futuristic Ink forms part of the 2016 Hong Kong Culture Festival. The show presents ten audacious, dynamic innovators whose charismatic output anticipates the future… and re-imagines the present.
You are cordially invited to join us at the Liang Yi Museum for our opening celebration on Tuesday, October 18 from 6pm to 8pm. Futuristic Ink will run at the museum from Wednesday, October 19 to Saturday, October 22.
FEATURED ARTISTS | Benny Au, Chan Ka Kei, Halley Cheng, Ho Kwun Ting, Hung Fai, Hung Keung, Hanison Lau Hok Shing, Cindy Ng Sio Ieng, Tristan Ng Sum Chi and Wong Chung Yu.
Enquiry hotline:
ICH Earthpulse Society (852) 2559 9436
展期 | 2016年10月19日—22日
時間 | 星期二—星期六,上午10時—下午6時
門票 | 免費入場(必須預先登記)
開幕酒會 | 2016年10月18日(星期二),下午6—8時
開幕典禮 | 下午6時30分
RSVP | rsvp@ora-ora.com (必須登記入場)
參展藝術家 | 區德誠,陳家祺,鄭哈雷,何冠廷,熊輝,洪強,劉學成,
非物質文化遺產地脈協會 (852) 2559 9436
VENUE | Liang Yi Museum, 181-199 Hollywood Road, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong
EXHIBITION PERIOD | 19-22 October 2016
OPENING HOURS | Tuesday to Saturday, 10:00AM - 6:00 PM
TICKET PRICE | Free Entry (Pre-registration is required)
OPENING RECEPTION | Tuesday 18 October 2016, 6:00PM - 8:00 PM
RSVP | rsvp@ora-ora.com (RSVP is required)
Futuristic Ink projects perspectives of the future, and launches the visitor on a journey forwards through time. Hong Kong artists will explore new interpretations of our heritage, pioneering creative chapters in video, sculpture, machinery, horticulture (and paper!).
Presented by Asia Ink Research and co-curated by acclaimed multi-media artist Hung Keung and Henrietta Tsui-Leung, Futuristic Ink forms part of the 2016 Hong Kong Culture Festival. The show presents ten audacious, dynamic innovators whose charismatic output anticipates the future… and re-imagines the present.
You are cordially invited to join us at the Liang Yi Museum for our opening celebration on Tuesday, October 18 from 6pm to 8pm. Futuristic Ink will run at the museum from Wednesday, October 19 to Saturday, October 22.
FEATURED ARTISTS | Benny Au, Chan Ka Kei, Halley Cheng, Ho Kwun Ting, Hung Fai, Hung Keung, Hanison Lau Hok Shing, Cindy Ng Sio Ieng, Tristan Ng Sum Chi and Wong Chung Yu.
Enquiry hotline:
ICH Earthpulse Society (852) 2559 9436